Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Finding Water on Mars

Finding Water on Mars   Ever since we began the exploration of Mars with spacecraft (back in the 1960s), scientists have been on the lookout for evidence of water on the Red Planet. Each mission gathers more evidence for the existence of water in the past and present, and each time definitive proof is found, scientists share that information with the public. Now, with the popularity of Mars missions on the rise and the amazing story of survival that moviegoers have seen in The Martian, with Matt Damon, the search for water on Mars takes on additional meaning.   On Earth, definitive proof of water is easy to find - in as rain and snow, in lakes, ponds, rivers, and the oceans. Since we havent visited Mars in person yet, scientists work with observations made by orbiting spacecraft and lander/rovers on the surface. Future explorers WILL be able to find that water and study it and use it, so its important to know NOW about how much there is and where it exists on the Red Planet.   Streaks on Mars Over the past few years, scientists noticed curious-looking dark streaks that appear on the surface on steep slopes. They seem to come and go with the change of seasons, as temperatures change. They darken and appear to flow down the slopes during periods when the temperatures are warmer, and then fade out as things cool down. These streaks appear in several locations on Mars and have been called recurring slope linae (or RSLs for short). Scientists strongly suspect theyre related to liquid water that deposits hydrated salts (salts that have been in contact with water) on those slopes.   Salts Point the Way Observers took a look at the RSLs using an instrument onboard NASAs Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter called the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM). It looked at sunlight after it had been reflected from the surface, and analyzed it to figure out what chemical elements and minerals were there. The observations showed the chemical signature of hydrated salts in several locations, but only when the dark features were wider than usual.   A second look at the same places, but when the swaths were not very wide didnt turn up any hydrated salt. What this means is that if theres water there, its wetting the salt and causing it to show up in the observations.What are these salts? Observers determined that they are hydrated minerals called perchlorates, which are known to exist on Mars. Both the Mars Phoenix Lander and the Curiosity rover have found them in the soil samples theyve studied. The discovery of these perchlorates is the first time these salts have been spotte d from orbit over several years. Their existence is a huge clue in the search for water. Why Worry about Water on Mars?   If it seems that Mars scientists have announced water discoveries before, remember this: the discovery of water on Mars has not been one single discovery. It is the result of many observations over the past 50 years, each one giving more solid evidence that water exists. More studies will pinpoint more water, and eventually give planetary scientists a much better handle on how much water the Red Planet has and its sources underground.   Ultimately, people will travel to Mars, perhaps sometime in the next 20 years. When they do, those first Mars explorers will need all the information they can get about conditions on the Red Planet. Water, of course, is important. Its essential to life, and it can be used as a raw ingredient for many things (including fuel). Mars explorers and inhabitants will need to rely on the resources around them, just as explorers on Earth had to do as they explored our planet.   Just as important, however, is to understand Mars in its own right. Its similar to Earth in many ways, and formed in roughly the same region of the solar system some 4.6 billion years ago. Even if we never send people to the Red Planet, knowing its history and composition help fill in our knowledge of the solar systems many worlds. In particular, knowing its water history helps fill in the gaps of our understanding about what this planet may have been in the past: warm, wet, and much more habitable for life than it is now.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The CPI and WWI

The CPI and WWI 1TranQuan TranHistory 2302The CPI and WWIWhen looking back on the United States' history, one feature stands out the most: the U.S. was involved in a lot of wars. Throughout the 20th century, the United States found itself in several major wars. World War I was the first of those major wars. During World War I, many soldiers were overseas fighting the Central Powers, while much of the American public sat helplessly on the home front. Woodrow Wilson saw the potential support that the people at home could provide, so he came up with a way to rally those unused potentials. In order to gain support from the people at home, President Woodrow Wilson established the Committee on Public Information and appointed George Creel as the chairman of the committee. Through out the war, the Committee on Public Information created and distributed many posters about the war that were successful in gaining the support of the public.This support played a major role in the Allies' victory of World War I. The Committee on Public Information, or CPI, was established during mid-April 1917 and was headed by George Creel (134). George Creel was working as a journalist when he was appointed by Woodrow Wilson as the head of the Committee on Public Information. According to Creel, the Committee on Public Information was created to "fight for the verdict of mankind" (135). He believed the role of the committee was to inform the public of the reason for the United States' actions overseas. Creel felt that the "war was not fought in France alone", but also had to be fought at home in the United States (135). The most persuasive way to get people at home involved in the war was by using propaganda, such...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Consciousness, Creativity and Identity Assignment

Consciousness, Creativity and Identity - Assignment Example Men’s rugby has received immense publicity while women’s has received minimal. The men who feature in advertisements for rugby have protruding biceps and broad chests like weights lifters. In those advertisements, they use force and excessive energy when countering their counterparts. The subtext in these advertisements implies that women lack the physical capacity to play rugby and this is incorrect. In fact, some women are better body-built than some men are. Using physical capacity as a basis for not featuring women in rugby entrenches the traditional patriarchal stereotype that women are weaker than men are (Harrington p4). Exemplified tactics in rugby are another concern in considering the explicit absence of women in the arena of rugby. In traditional patriarchal societies, women were not allowed to engage in some activities because they were thought of as not having the mental aptitude required to handle them (Harrington p9). A similar notion is implied when rugby media coverage and advertisement conspicuously miss to mention anything about women. This is a notion that has been disproved, clearly, by the modern woman who ventures into almost every activity to which they were previously restricted and rugby is not an exception. Discipline is more of a personal matter than one that depends on sex and gender. Individual differences play an important role in a person’s predisposition to discipline. However, some commentators have observed that women are more likely to exercise restraint than men are. If this were to be used in comparing male and female rugby players, females would rate better males. Discipline alone cannot make a good rugby player without the other elements and as such, it would be unfair to exclude women from the game if they succeeded in blending all the elements (Harrington p4). Additionally, the extent to which a player exercises discipline in a game is influenced by their goals and objectives in the game and if women

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Coca cola Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Coca cola - Essay Example The waste reduction strategies do not reduce current production’s quality level. Initially, the lean production strategy was crafted to cater to the production line of one of Japan’s top selling car models, Toyota. Toyota’s lean production cropped up after World War II. Japan was just recovering from the war loss. Lean production is a continually innovative process. Daily, the production line and staff personnel as well as production management team continue to find ways to reduce production wastes. Lean production reduces the avoidable costs, expenses, and costs associated with typical production processes. The typical production process includes employees accidentally generating avoidable wastes, expenses, and costs to delay the production process and delaying (reducing) revenue generation. Further, the lean production strategy can cover all the business entities’ activities. The activities may include the design of the product as well as the production process. The activities include the production of the company’s saleable or finished products. The activities include the marketing department’s product delivery and selling processes (Jones, 2013). Coke implements several lean production strategies. The strategy significantly reduces production expenses. Initially, coke marketed its quality coke products as having the same taste around the world. To do this, coke used only one water source. The singular source came from only one place. The company exported the coke products to different countries around the world. However, the cost of shipping the coke products increased as the distance between the original home production facilities to the country of destination (Marcotte et al., 2012). Consequently, the higher shipping and production costs of products sold in very far away countries generated a lower net profit than coke products sold in places nearer the production facilities. As the distance between

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Dictatorship Definition Essay Example for Free

Dictatorship Definition Essay Dictatorship as a form of government is not new. It was a recognised institution in the republican Rome where normally the authority of government was vested in two presidents called Consuls. In times of emergency the Romans used to appoint a Director to supersede the Consuls, granting him supreme powers to meet the crisis. But Roman dictatorship was a temporary expedient to meet a crisis and was discarded when the crisis was past. Moreover, the dictator was selected by a legal process with the obligation to submit his use of power to the scrutiny of the permanent authority. The Roman dictatorship was, therefore, â€Å"a constitutional device under which the constitution was suspended during a grave crisis of the State. This description of dictatorship does not apply to the modem dictators of former Soviet Russia, Italy, Germany and some other countries. Modem dictators are not selected by a legal process for a limited period of time in order to steer the State through a national emergency. They come into power as a result of a coup d’etat. Force is the criterion of their political authority and they remain in power as long as force can retain them. They are responsible to no authority except to themselves. The whole authority of the State is vested in one individual person and he personifies the State. Some writers are of the opinion that the Russian dictatorship was the dictatorship of a party while in Germany and Italy it was the dictatorship of individuals. But Nazism in Germany and Fascism in Italy were also the rule of a party, though they remained all through overshadowed by a single personality just as Bolshevism was in the days of Lenin and Stalin. Till yesterday, Khrushchev’s personality loomed large on the political horizon. In fact, no government, as Maclver has shown, is ever actually in the hands of a single individual. If there is a single seemingly supreme ruler, he inevitably rests his power on the active support of an associated class. He rules in its interests no less than with its cooperation. He nearly always has a council of advisers who represent that class. Hitler and Mussolini were leaders of the Nazi and Fascist parties. They selected their ministers from the ranks of their own parties in order to pursue the ends of their respective parties. There is, accordingly, no difference between the Russian type of dictatorship and that of Central European countries. If there was any, it was only one of degree rather than of kind. In USSR it was really a triple dictatorship—that of the Communist Party as regards the mass of citizens, that of the inner group as regards the rest of the Party, and that of the leader as regards inner group, party and the nation.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Achieving Democracy and Equality Essay -- A Social Power Analysis of D

This paper shows why both democracy and equality are desirable, and why democracy, in its true sense, is an important step to achieve greater equality. There are many reasons why political philosophers need to look beyond the one person, one vote conception of democracy to understand why such theories have allowed social and economic inequality to continue to exist. While many democracies do not live up to our expectations in regards to providing equality, there are explanations for this and methods of overcoming such problems. Is equality desirable? The first thing to consider is whether equality is desirable, and if so, what kinds of equality are desirable. For example, should young children have equal voting rights? The consensus around this issue in most democracies is that there is an age where children should not be able to vote (even if there is disagreement on exactly what the age should be). However, it does not follow that it is permissible for children to be discriminated against by the law because they are unable to vote. To determine whether equality is, in the first instance, desirable we must consider what is meant by the term ‘equality.’ Equality is often considered to be important exclusively within a designated demos. This is important because it facilitates an ongoing conversation and reflection on individual preferences. The laws created by the demos are seen as binding upon them. This is partially where our obligation to follow the laws of the government arises – because we voted them in and are bound by the social contract. Of course, there will always be questions as to the legitimacy of laws and what obliges the disenfranchised minority to follow the laws of the majority. However, when there has been... Green, P. (1985). Retrieving democracy : in search of civic equality. Totowa, N.J., Rowman & Allanheld. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2011). "Jeremy Bentham." Retrieved November 3, 2011, from Megalogenis, G. (2010). "Trivial Pursuit: Leadership and the End of the Reform Era." Quarterly Essay(40): 1-83. 40. Retrieved 2010 from;dn=586827778419771;res=IELHSS. Myers, J. C. (2010). The politics of equality : an introduction. London; New York; New York, Zed Books ; Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan. Singer, P. (1973). Democracy and disobedience. Oxford, Clarendon Press. Verba, S. and N. H. Nie (1972). Participation in America: political democracy and social equality. New York, Harper & Row.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Fall On Your Knees Essay

* It is the story of James Piper, orphaned child, who becomes a piano tuner. When James was 18, he met Material, 13, and they elope to the close by village. Materia’s family were against her marriage. James then has three daughters, Kathleen, Mercedes, and Frances. James was a good man, but slowly dark side of his nature asserted itself. He serves in France during the Great War to make money. But the war comes to an end. He returns to his family. Kathleen is dispatched to New York City to study opera, she gets pregnant and later finds a lesbian partner. James finds out and brings his daughter back. Soon he is widower and Kathleen dies while giving birth to the twins. Mercedes tries her best to be the mother of Frances and her niece Lily, Kathleen’s daughter. Ambrose, Kathleen’s son is killed by Frances accidentally. Frances goes completely off track and starts doing prostitution to make money for Lily. Frances also gets pregnant and stops prostitution. James dies later on and everything depends on Mercedes since Frances is in a big shock. Later on, Lily goes to New York and Frances dies. Mercedes sends Ambrose, France’s son to New York. * Sacrifices are made by a lot of people in the whole universe for the sake of people who they love. In Ann – Marie Macdonald’s Fall on Your Knees, James and his family sacrifice important things that they desire or want for the sake of their family. Through the use of characterization, symbols and diction, Macdonald shows that healthy sacrifices benefit everyone. Similarly in Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Sacrifice is shown throughout the play for the benefit of self or others that they love or want. This is also shown by Shakespeare by using the above elements, which proves that the sacrifices that are made for the benefit of everyone will lead to the happy ending. Characterization is used to show the decisions that are made for the benefits of other or self. In Fall on Your Knees, people make decisions that benefit others which have huge impact in their life, while in Hamlet, the decisions that are made are for the benefits of self for which someone else has to pay. * There are many characters in Fall on Your Knees that choose to live for the sake of others. One of them is Kathleen. Kathleen is a great singer who poses beauty and singing talent but she has no friends and is not even close to her mother. The only friend that she has is her father. She gave up everything that she could have just for the sake of her daddy. She wants to be singer just because her daddy wants her to be famous, so people can appreciate her talent. â€Å"At first she did it for daddy’s sake† (Macdonald 99). This shows that Kathleen gave up her whole childhood and teenage moments that she could have for herself for the sake of daddy. She never goes anywhere by herself. Later, James sends her to USA to study Opera. And she agrees without even saying anything. * Similarly her sister, Mercedes also sacrifices her educations and her future for the sake of family. Mercedes is a good girl who is taking the role of mother for her sisters. â€Å"Mercedes is so accustomed to doing everything for Daddy’s sake† (299). Mercedes does not tell her father about her dream of going to university. She knows that her father will be all alone if she leaves him. She buries her dream in her heart, so she stays home and takes care of the family. * Similarly in Hamlet, Hamlet sacrifices his future and his love for the sake of his father. He needs to take revenge. Hamlet is always sad and depressed since his father is no more. When he found that his uncle was the murderer of his father, he promised the ghost to take revenge for his father’s death. To accomplish his motive, he gave up the love of his life, Ophelia, so he can have no weaknesses. â€Å"You should not have believed me; for virtue cannot so/ inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you/ not. † (III. 1. 128-130). Hamlet is refusing that he never loved Ophelia. He also used her to confuse Claudius. * Kathleen has never got love from anyone else except her daddy, whose love also changes after coming from war. This causes her to crave for love. The crave for the love leads to many ironies such as her turning into a lesbian and eventually her death. However, this is not same for Mercedes. Even though Mercedes is not pursuing her education any further, she is learning to be a responsible women and she does not marry in the future because she needs to take care of her sisters and her father. She is gaining even though she is giving up something. Whereas, Hamlet’s sacrifice caused Ophelia to not trust Hamlet anymore and later on in the play, that lead to her death. * The other element that has been used is symbolism. Symbolism is used to show what each character has become because of the decisions that they choose to make. In both texts, there are a lot of symbols that represents the characters or the meaning of their life. * In fall on your knees, darkness is used to represent the sacrifices that the characters make without knowing the consequences. They do not know what lies ahead and what the result might be for taking that action. But, they continue to do it because they feel that they need to do it. The other symbol that is used is monster. It is used to represent Materia. It represents Materia because she has become a monster while searching for the happiness of the family. â€Å"Materia saw herself in a clear glass at last and it was Monstrous. † This shows that even she knows that she has turned into a monster. Materia thinks that she is happy without her daughter. She does not want her daughter to come back. She is ready to sacrifice her own daughter for the family’s happiness. This is similar to the monster since monsters are ready to eat their own children to fill their own stomach when needed. The other symbol that is used in the novel is scarecrow. Scarecrow is used to represent the memories that they had in the past. It was made by Materia. James tears it down because he does not want to remember his past since there had been a lot of incidents that have happened in his life. He wants to live without having to remember his past. * Similarly in Hamlet, sponge is used to represent Rosencrantz. Hamlet thinks that Rosencrantz is giving up his friendship to suck up to the King. He feels betrayed by his own friend. He calls Rosencrantz a sponge when he says â€Å"Besides, to be demanded of a sponge! † (IV. . 12). Since, he has become a messenger that acts as a carrier of messages and spills it in front of King, Rosencrantz collects all the information like a sponge collects water and spills it in front of a king, similar to how water spills off the sponge when it is squeezed. * In Fall on Your Knees, Materia meets her consequences when she was finally able to love Kathleen. She has to sacrifice Kathleen just so the twins can see the new world. As well as James lived a happy life in the future where he didn’t had to think about his past and died in peace. Similar to Materia, Rosencrantz is sent to England where he is to be executed with his friend, Guildenstern, as soon as he reaches there. * The last element that is used is diction. Diction is used to show the consequences of the sacrifices that are made by the characters for their benefit, where someone else pays the price of their sacrifice, or for the benefit of someone else, where they pay the price by themselves. The choices of their decisions give the characters several names in the both texts. * James is a widower. He has to take care of mother less children since his wife died. He needs to make money in the Great Depression time, so he does things that give him bad name. People in the town say â€Å"Mercedes’ father [James] was a bad man. A bootlegger. A scab. An enemy of this town† (232) He makes and sells illegal liquor in the town that gives him bad reputation. He is being called a â€Å"bootlegger†, â€Å"scab† and â€Å"enemy of the town† because of the illegal business that he does. But he does not care about what the other people say, because he needs to make money to support his family financially. He sacrifices his reputation in the town for the sake of family. Similarly, the business that Frances does is not giving her a good reputation that she wants. She becomes everything of Lily, her niece, whom she calls sister. Frances blames herself for Lily being disabled. She wants to make money for her, so she starts selling herself and becomes a stripper because she thinks that is the fastest way to make money. She becomes so bad that Camille calls her â€Å"The slut who lives only to dishonour the memory of poor Materia. † (316). This shows that Frances has been selling her stuff that she got bad reputation in the town. She does all this because she feels as if this is needed to do for the sake of Lily, since Frances thinks that Lily might need these money in future. * Similarly in Hamlet, Polonius does everything that he can to suck up to the King, no matter what happens. He is even ready to sacrifice his own daughter, Ophelia. This is one reason why hamlet calls him â€Å"Excellent well; you are a fishmonger† (II. 2. 190). Polonius is called a â€Å"fishmonger†, because he can sacrifice his own daughter to curry the King as much as he possibly can. He does this just to show how much he can be trusted. This keeps on hurting Ophelia and causes her to go through more pain even though Polonius is considered a trustable person by the king. * James dies without even having any friend because whatever he does for his family is affecting everyone in the town which makes the people in town hate him more. Similarly, Frances is never loved by anyone except Mercedes and Lily. At the end, the money comes to use of Lily, but to earn that money; Frances had to go through a lot of pain. Similarly, Ophelia goes through a lot of pain since she was being used by her father to curry the king. This attitude of sucking up to the King decides Polonius’s destiny and he gets killed. * In conclusion, there are a lot of different decisions that affect the whole novel later on. While some of them are good choices, some of them are bad that they decide to do for the sake of someone or self. This is shown by the use of narrative elements such as characterisation, symbolism and diction, which all show the choices that they made and the result of those choices. Even though we all make decisions and sacrifices in our life, one will learn whether the sacrifices that they made were worth of making or not after the sacrifice has been made.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Aggregate Demand and Supply Models Essay

As it stands currently the existing effect of the economic factors on aggregate demand and supply are: unemployment, consumer income, and interest rates. In this paper we identify the existing effect of the economic factors on aggregate demand and supply. The American people have little to no income when unemployed, this in turn causes a decrease in demand for the economy. This type of event causes the aggregate demand to curve to the left. One of the main reasons unemployment remains high to this day is the lack of demand. A shortfall in aggregate demand is precisely the type of issue that can be addressed by monetary policy, however, to do so we need continuous monetary stimulus to progress toward maximum employment stability. The crash of the housing market has set tremendous limitation on consumer and their spending. Sternness on behalf of the government to a certain extent has decreased aggregate demand during this recovery period. These actions have directly impacted growth. Wh at this means to us is that lower government spending and higher taxes call for disposable income for consumers, work for government contractors diminishing, and a decrease in government payroll. Another factor that has had great effect and impact are the levels of uncertainty. The events leading to this state have yet to be resolved which in turn have caused a lack of willingness and confidence within consumers. In the beginning the levels of uncertainty reflected the force of influence the recession had on us as consumers. This is something that had not been experienced in several years which made it difficult for us to handle or even find a way to get by in a more successful demeanor. After extensive research and analysis it is safe to say the supply-side considerations explain some of the rise in unemployment, which once again confirm the lack of demand as well as the fact that the economy is suffering first and foremost of a weak demand rather than a shortage of supply. References Williams, J. C. (2013, February 25). The Economy and Fed Policy: Follow the Demand. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Retrieved from Thoma, M. (2012, March 28). Demand, not supply, is restraining the economy. CBS News. Retrieved from

Friday, November 8, 2019

US Consitution essays

US Consitution essays Article 1 createes the first of the 3 branches of the government. Section 1 createes the name of the Legislature to be The Congress is a two-part body. Section 2 explains the House of Representatives. It createes a the minimum requirements, like 25yrs old limit, and says that the people themselves will elect the members for 2 yrs each. The members of the House are divided among the states according to size giving the more populous states more representatives in the House. The leader is the Speaker of the House, chosen by the members. Section 3 defines the Senate. It shows some minimum requirements, like the 30 yr age limit. They serve for 6 yrs each. Each state has the exact same number of Senators, 2 each, no matter the population. This Section introduces the Vice Pres., who is the leader of the Senate. He doesnt vote unless there is a tie. Section 4 says that each state may create its own methods for electing members of the Congress, and mandates, or requires, that Congress must meet at least once per year. Section 5 says that Congress must have a minimum number of members present in order to meet, and that it may set fines for people who do not show up. Section 6 createes that members of Congress will be paid, that they cannot be detained while traveling to and from Congress, that they cannot hold any other office in the government while in the Congress. Section 7 details how bills become law. First, any bill for raising money must start out in the House. All bills must pass both houses of Congress in the exact same form. Bills that pass both houses are sent to the President. He can either sign the bill to be a law or he can veto it. If he vetoes it, the bill is sent back to Congress, and if both houses pass it by a 2/3 majority, the bill becomes law over the President's veto. Section 8 lists specific powers of Congress, including the power to create and maintain an army and navy, to create post offices, to create courts, to...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Learn the Days of the Week in Spanish

Learn the Days of the Week in Spanish The names of the days of the week in Spanish and English do not seem very much alike - so you may be surprised to find out they have similar origins. Most of the words for the days are tied to planetary bodies and ancient mythology. Key Takeaways Days of the week in Spanish are masculine and not capitalized.The names of the five weekdays in English and Spanish are connected to each other, coming from astronomy and mythology.The names of the weekend days in English and Spanish have different origins in the two languages. Also, the English and Spanish names for the name of the seventh day of the week, Saturday and sbado, arent related at all even though they look vaguely similar. The names in the two languages are: Sunday: domingoMonday: lunesTuesday: martesWednesday: mià ©rcolesThursday: juevesFriday: viernesSaturday: sbado History of the Days of the Week in Spanish The historical origin or etymology of the days of the week can be linked to Roman mythology. The Romans saw a connection between their gods and the changing face of the nighttime sky, so it became natural to use their gods names for the planets. The planets the ancient people were able to track in the sky were Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Those five planets plus the moon and sun made up the seven major astronomical bodies. When the concept of the seven-day week was imported from Mesopotamian culture early in the fourth century, the Romans used those astronomical names for the days of the week. The first day of the week was named after the sun, followed by the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. The names of the week were adopted with little change throughout most of the Roman Empire and beyond. In only a few cases were changes made. In Spanish, the five weekdays all retained their planetary names. Those are the five days whose names end in -es, a shortening of the Latin word for day, dies. Lunes comes from the word for moon,  luna in Spanish, and the planetary connection with Mars is also apparent with martes. The same is true with Mercury/mià ©rcoles, and Venus is  viernes, meaning Friday. The connection with Jupiter is not quite so apparent with jueves unless you know Roman mythology and recall that Jove is another name for Jupiter in Latin. The days for the weekend, Saturday and Sunday, were not adopted using the Roman naming pattern. Domingo comes from a Latin word meaning Lords day. And sbado comes from the Hebrew word sabbath, meaning a day of rest. In Jewish and Christian tradition, God rested on the seventh day of creation. Stories Behind the English Names In English, the naming pattern is similar, but with a key difference. The relation between Sunday and the sun, Monday and the moon and Saturn and Saturday are obvious. The celestial body is the root of the words. The difference with the other days is that English is a Germanic language, unlike Spanish which is a Latin or Romance language. The names of equivalent Germanic and Norse gods were substituted for the names of the Roman gods. Mars, for example, was the god of war in Roman mythology, while the Germanic god of war was Tiw, whose name became part of Tuesday. Wednesday is a modification of Wodens Day. Woden, also called Odin, was a god who was swift like Mercury. The Norse god Thor was the basis for naming Thursday. Thor was considered an equivalent god to Jupiter in Roman mythology. Norse goddess Frigga, after whom Friday was named, was, like Venus, the goddess of love. Using the Days of the Week in Spanish In Spanish, the names of the week are all masculine nouns, and they are not capitalized except at the beginning of a sentence. Thus it is common to refer to the days as el domingo, el lunes, and so on. For the five weekdays, the names are the same in singular and plural. Thus we have los lunes, for Mondays, los martes for (Tuesdays), and so on. The weekend days are made plural just by adding -s: los domingos and los sbados. It is very common to use the definite articles el or los with the days of the week. Also, when talking about activities taking place on a certain day of the week, the on of English is not translated. So Los domingos hago huevos con tocino would be a common way of saying On Sundays I make eggs with bacon.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

2012 London Olympic Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

2012 London Olympic Games - Essay Example However, after it became clear that Great Britain would, indeed, win a medal, the scope of promotion and even service quality appeared to be redesigned and positioned under national pride and support for women’s sporting. The Great Britain v. New Zealand hockey event, upon discovery of Britain’s team involvement, changed intentions from being a generic sporting event requiring traditional management oversight to a marketing opportunity to expand the brand presence of the United Kingdom women’s sporting associations, improve national reputational standing internationally, and also provide visitors with a total quality experience. Merchandising, promotion, public relations, sponsorship, and entertainment took a radically different approach (hence, the concentration was on marketing support and revenue-building through marketing). Under the EMBOK model of events management, these particular knowledge domains are fundamental aspects of the events planning model (Getz 2007). These elements and processes required significant flexibility and rapid alteration to achieve profit and service quality provision goals with a new events positioning strategy based on national honour and conceit for the achievement of women’s sports participation. Great Britain’s involvement in this particular events match extended the life cycle of the event, transforming it from being just a mere constituent part of the broader 2012 Olympics to a full-fledged short-term project objective. The life cycle of this event project was transformed from a three to four-hour event to an elongated strategic project objective that would have a considerable period of growth before meeting ultimate decline. This event became a tangible special project requiring significant marketing flexibility and reallocation of labour and finance.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Impact of the Globalization Process in Different Fields Essay

Impact of the Globalization Process in Different Fields - Essay Example This essay outlines the significance of globalization process, that favorably resulted in the rapidity of change, together with different priorities of nations and people. Globalization has boomed in the aftermath of the oil crisis in the 1970s and it changed the relative costs of production inputs and products, gave new impetus to technological innovations, fuelled international financial transactions, as OPEC countries invested their surging revenues in the USA, changed the structure of trade. As economic force, globalization process makes multinational companies (MNCs) the principle vehicle of imperialism’s drive to re-divide the world according to economic power. Economic crisis that is considered to be the greatest since the times of the Great Depression can have negatively impact on the business environment. This is particularly true in countries in transition; moreover, foreign investments can make economics more uneven, with disastrous consequences for both the developing and developed countries. This polarization must be recognized by international business structures and governments through poverty alleviation programmes and strategies designed to reposition marginalized economies to make them possible to participate in current developments. The problem is that even small American enterprises to have an impact on the global market are to think, produce and sell globally. The so-called ‘global firm’ have to link all the small enterprises into global webs of production, distribution and services. The process is rather long-term and complicated one, because the new business model has possess strategic flexibility, competition with co-operation, horizontal, decentralized work structures, and constant communication in real time. [Held D., McGrew A., Goldblatt D. and Perraton J., 1999] The re-organizational process has already begun, that's in why it has got an unstoppable power: it exists at all levels, including economics, politics, social and labor spheres. As economic force, globalization process makes multinational companies (MNCs) the principle vehicle of imperialism's drive to re-divide the world according to economic power. [Douglas I., and Tervio M., 2000] The process of integration of global financial markets has increased capital mobility and global production and distribution structures, but has also weakened the bargaining power of trade unions everywhere - the most key decisions are made by private business that deepened the increase of privatization; such policies have a potential negative impact on jobs and incomes everywhere. [Thomas T., 2000] Through the process of restructuring jobs in some sectors and places have been lost, but the relocation from developed to developing countries has influenced capital mobility and the locational choices of firms, which favors social stability, local infrastructure development, and market proximity. But from the social point of view, the existence of firms with a global reach and profile calls for new business ethics, and over-emphasises on efficiency and technology, that has affected the human element, causing depersonalization and spreading apathy. [Thomas T., 2000] In general, the global economy is to reform the labour market, and its outcomes are directly connected with the way these markets function, with the unionized and non-unionized sectors. There is a close